Whitley Darby
Design Portfolio


©2024 Whitley Darby

Within the Mind of an Introverted Black Woman Who Has A Lot to Say

Within the Mind of an Introverted Woman Who Has A Lot to Say is a collection of zines that include observations from my past, present, and future. As a Black woman who is an introvert, I am always in my thoughts—thinking about what happened a decade ago, or what could happen weeks ahead. As a kid, I had multiple diaries that I would start and never finish.

When writing I would let everything out including my feelings, thoughts, questions, and gossip. Writing in those diaries never meant anything to me back then but as I got older I realized how therapeutic it actually was to write. Each zine focuses on a different topic, including bullying and how that impacts mental health, daydreams while alone with oneself, the unveiling of adulthood within different generations, unrealistic wishes for the future, experiencing the metaphorical nest leaving, and feeling isolated as a person of color in a predominantly white institution.

Each zine includes an audio recording of my narration to allow the reader to hear my thoughts in my own words. Readers can access the audio through a QR code included at the beginning of each zine. My hope is that these zines will help other introverts and people of color feel seen and heard within the halls of this predominantly white institution.

Editorial Design | 6 Laser Printed Zines| All Orginal Text | Adobe Illustrator | Google Docs | Adobe Premiere Pro | Adobe InDesign
October 2022 - April 2023